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“Non-Violence Begins With Me”

The Sri Sathya Sai International Organization (SSSIO) of Trinidad and Tobago hosted its annual Unity of Faiths program on January 20, 2024, at Sai Nilayam, the main abode of the organization on the island. about 150 persons attended, including parents and students of the Longdenville Sathya Sai Primary School.

Faith leaders from the leading world religions, along with representatives of local faith traditions, attended this auspicious event with members of their respective congregations. The speakers addressed the pressing issue of violent crime that has been sweeping the island nation for many years.

Against the background of multiple unsuccessful attempts to resolve the problem of violence, which is now a designated public health issue, a common theme in all the speeches was that non-violence has to be nurtured and practiced at the individual level and in the family for all religious backgrounds.

In this regard, the teachings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and His emphasis on the five universal human values of Truth, Love, Peace, Right Conduct, and Non-violence provided much-needed illumination on how to remove greed and hatred and bring transformation at every level of society.

In her address, the National Council President of SSSIO of Trinidad and Tobago invited all faith communities to join its public outreach programs on non-violence to unite and bring positive change in the nation.

All participants joined a multi-faith devotional session to promote inclusiveness and interfaith unity in order to bring peace and harmony in the nation.

Jai Sai Ram

Media Committee
Sri Sathya Sai International Organization
