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June 2020 Updates

Dear Envirocare Coordinators and Go Green Champions,

This month, we place the spotlight on the importance of getting children to engage with nature, with an inspiring example from the Middle East.

If each one of us plants the seed of love with the right nurturing, we can develop harmony within and around us.

Plant a sapling competition

Taking your first green steps to inner transformation

A plant sapling competition was organised in a Sathya Sai Centre within zone 9B for pre-SSE and Group 1-2 SSE children.

This activity aimed to develop self-transformation in the child as they were tasked with the responsibility of nurturing a plant, thereby learning the importance of love and respect for Nature and His creation at a tender age.

Each competition entry was evaluated on several grounds:

1. Quality of plant (25%)
2. Poster content/ design (15%)
3. Originality of the work - SSE teachers could ask for photos of each stage on Whatsapp and check in the poster (20%)
4. Relevance of quote on poster (20%)
5. Final presentation (20%)

Children in group 1 were asked to write a paragraph about their experience and narrate it before an audience. This initiative is a creative way of finding a connection with Nature and as Swami says ‘Develop self-confidence to gain success in life’. The competition will now be conducted in other Sathya Sai Centres across the Zone.

World Oceans Day was celebrated on 8th June

By honouring the life-giving beauty and divinity of water, World Oceans Day was a reminder for us to remember Swami’s words on water: "All living beings emanated originally from water; humans have bodies built out of food, based ultimately on plants sustained by water." This is important even when it comes to the purchase of clothes and shoes, for even the making of them requires thousands of litres of water.

Read more: Get simple tips from the ESC hub to follow in your day-today life to protect Mother Earth by practising ceiling on desires on WATER.

Related content - Watch  ‘World Ocean Day 2020: Why are Oceans important?’

With Sai Love and Care

ESC team

Sathya Sai International Organisation
