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Om Sri Sai Ram.

In November 2024, we will be celebrating the 99th year of the advent of our beloved Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Members of the Sri Sathya Sai International Organization (SSSIO) around the world will celebrate the divine Birthday and share His love, His message, and His works with many. 

Swami taught us that the greatest service (seva) is to serve the divine in every being. The culmination of devotion (bhakti) is to become one with the divine, and the greatest wisdom (jnana) is to find out: “Who am I?” Therefore, the primary goal of the SSSIO, the Organization that bears His holy name, is to help one realize one’s innate divinity, manifest it, and enable others to do the same.

Consistent with the above goal, Baba's 99th Birthday celebration theme is “Know Thyself.” Swami’s discourses and writings, particularly the Jnana Vahini, the Gita Vahini, the Upanishad Vahini, and the Sutra Vahini, help us in our journey toward Self-realization. The spiritual practices in various areas facilitated by the SSSIO strengthen and support this effort.

Let us intensify our sadhana by also taking advantage of the many projects implemented under the SAI-100 program, which are being undertaken as an offering to Bhagawan for His 100th Birthday.  These initiatives include massive tree planting, holding public meetings, expanding Sathya Sai Education in Human Values, One Million Steps towards Swami, and organizing medical camps – more information is available HERE.

Let us work together to serve our divine master as one united body and sanctify our lives. Let us pray to our loving and omnipresent Lord Sai to bless us with more and more opportunities to serve in His sacred, divine mission with love, dedication, and unity.

Jai Sai Ram, 

Lovingly in the service of Sai,
Sri Sathya Sai International Organization 
