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Apple Tree Planting In Italy – Zone 6

Dear Envirocare Coordinators, Go Green Champions, and Eco Explorers,

This month, we present an inspiring and wholesome environmental project that encompasses conservation, sustainability, and a favourable impact on the environment. The planting of apple trees also opens a world of blossoms for bees and other pollinators, fostering diversity. An apple orchard is not only a network of beauty, vitality, and abundance but also enriches the well-being of both humans and wildlife.

“No fruit can grow on a tree without flowers; it cannot ripen into sweetness without emerging Grace. Disciplined work alone can grow into devotion and that alone can transform Wisdom deep.” – Sri Sathya Sai Baba, April 5, 1981

SAI 100, ‘The Sai Orchard’

The SAI 100 ‘Frutteto Sai’, or ‘SAI ORCHARD’, tree planting project is taking place with great enthusiasm in Alfonsine (Ravenna), in Romagna, Italy, which is part of Zone 6. This noble initiative started after 4 hectares of agricultural land and houses were devastated last year (2023) by frost in April, floods in May, and a tornado in July. Sai members of the Sri Sathya Sai Center of Faenza (another Italian city in Romagna) immediately took action to clean up mud from the streets and premises, and prepare meals for the volunteers of all the associations involved.

Self-Reflection of Sai Members 

“We were all heartbroken when we heard about the catastrophe and our Wings aimed at providing relief to the flooded community.” – Sai members, Sri Sathya Sai Center of Faenza

On the initiative of its National Service Coordinator, SSSIO Italy established the Sai Orchard, in collaboration with the local farm Alfonsine (Ravenna) and with the support of the Ravenna Agricultural Association “Confagricoltura Ravenna”.

Beginning in September 2023, the farmers of Ravenna farm cleared the land of debris and buried support poles for the new apple plants on half hectare of previously devastated land, relaunching local production activity.

The project started in earnest at the beginning of the new year, 2024, and since then 700 root cuttings of Pink Lady quality apples have been planted with the help of SSSIO Italy, made possible by a Ceiling on Desires Programme.

The inaugural function was held on April 8, 2024 in the presence of the Confagricoltura Press Officer, the Councillor for Production Activities of the Municipality of Alfonsine (Ravenna), the SSSIO National Service Coordinator and some devotees. A sign with the Sathya Sai Organization logo “Sai 100” was erected as a symbolic gesture to commemorate the opening of this new venture, marking a significant milestone for the commemoration of the 100th Advent of our Lord, Sri Sathya Sai Baba.1

The photo with the logo shows the first blooming flowers of the apple trees. With the continued diligent work of the go-green soldiers and with Sri Sathya Sai’s Grace, the orchard will very soon produce its fruits.

The farm of Ravenna will continue to take care of the apple plants until their harvest, since this is crucial for ensuring a successful yield and maintaining the health of the orchard. The commitment of this farm to nurturing the apple plants reflects their dedication to agricultural excellence and the well-being of the local community by ensuring the continued availability of high-quality, locally grown apples. This group of farmers admire the breadth of the SSSIO’s environmental projects and the values that are promoted alongside.

Root Architecture of Apple Trees And Their Unique Characteristics

Apples (Scientific Name: Malus domestica Borkh. Family: Rosaceae)2 are rich sources of selected micro- and macro-nutrients and the bioactive compounds that are present therein.3 In addition to the abundance of health benefits, the trees exhibit some key resilient behaviours that contribute to efficient water uptake, which develop both shallow and deep root systems.4 The roots can access water from various soil depths depending on water availability. Apple trees can evolve strategies to optimise water acquisition based on their environmental conditions (temperature, light, water, etc.) and physiological needs (minerals and nutrients), allowing the roots to adapt to changing soil moisture levels throughout the growing season. They absorb water in moist soil layers and transport it to drier soil layers within the root zone, typically within a 0–2 metre range.4 This redistribution of water maintains consistent moisture levels around the roots, allowing the trees to withstand periods of drought stress.

In general, apple trees contribute in many ways to the vitality and health of the Earth's ecosystems. They are an invaluable resource for environmental preservation and sustainable development due to their ecological, cultural, and economic significance.

Earth Day 2024 | Serve The Planet Subcommittee

To care for our Mother Earth, let's educate ourselves and make more sustainable fashion choices! Fast fashion harms our planet through overproduction, exploitation of workers, and massive carbon emissions. 👕🧥

Let’s first reduce our consumption by practicing Swami’s teachings on Ceiling on Desires. Second, let’s do our research and opt for eco-friendly and sustainable brands and clothing practices. Through our choices, we can protect our environment and support ethical practices in the fashion industry.

Together, let's make a difference and protect our beautiful planet! 🌍

It is a great time to renew your commitment to sustainability!

Share with us the environmental initiatives you are organizing in your communities / countries / Zones at

VISIT the Environmental Sustainability Hub for more insights, Go Green tips and resources.👨‍🌾

With Sai Love and Care,

Environmental Sustainability Committee 

Sri Sathya Sai International Organization


1. Sai100 Initiative - Offering for 100th Birthday

2. Oyenihi AB, Belay ZA, Mditshwa A, Caleb OJ. "An apple a day keeps the doctor away": The potentials of apple bioactive constituents for chronic disease prevention. J Food Sci. 2022 Jun;87(6):2291-2309. doi: 10.1111/1750-3841.16155. Epub 2022 May 3. PMID: 35502671; PMCID: PMC9321083.

3. Skinner RC, Gigliotti JC, Ku KM, Tou JC. A comprehensive analysis of the composition, health benefits, and safety of apple pomace. Nutrition Reviews. 2018 Aug 1;76(12).

4. Shi P, Gai H, Liu W, Li Z. Links of apple tree water uptake strategies with precipitation and soil water dynamics in the deep loess deposits. Journal of hydrology. 2023 Aug 1;623:129829–9.
